Break up your dog's day with exercise, company and fun-filled urban adventures. On-Lead Urban Adventures are sixty minutes of bum wiggling tail wagging greetings, snoot booping, water dabbling and grass-digging fun for all.
Every walk is captured and posted to Facebook so you can meet your pup's buddies and see first-hand why your best friend is contentedly snoring when you get home.

Suzanne & Ludo | Weymouth
Ludo LOVES his weekly adventures with CityPets. From the minute I say "It's van day today!" he is on high alert and rearing to go. When the gate opens he can't contain his excitement, and has been known to greet his handler with a kiss on the lips (lucky they are all dog people!) Thank you all at CityPets for the joy you bring Ludo and his whanau - him with the excitement of running wild and free with his pack, and us with the wonderful photos of our loveable, goofy dog.